Peru, November 2016

  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016
  • Peru 2016

Date:  October 27, 2016 – November 5, 2016
Location: Hospital Regional de Trujillo; Trujillo, Peru
Team Size: 20
Length of Mission: 9 days
Number of Surgeries Performed: 25

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After two successful missions to the Madre de Cristo Clinic in Trujillo, Peru through our contact Kevin Hurley, ISHI was invited to come perform a mission at the Hospital Regional de Trujillo. The chief of trauma, Dr. Caballero, invited the ISHI team to not only perform surgery but to help train the local team on topics regarding trauma and surgical care.


The hospital announced ISHI’s surgical mission through posters advertising and offering free surgical care. The local physicians pre-triaged approximately 20 patients and prepared a list for the ISHI team, which included a first for an ISHI mission: laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The Regional Hospital in the center of Trujillo, Peru’s second largest city. The hospital is the only certified trauma center north of Lima.

ISHI Peru 2016 Team


A total of 25 cases were performed including ISHI’s first laparoscopic operations. A larger focus on education was taken on this mission and showed in daily bedside teaching rounds with the hospital’s trauma team, over 8 hours of formal lectures at the hospital as well as the Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, One year follow up was performed at the Clinica Madre de Cristo for patients from 2015’s mission.

NJMS medical students were heavily involved with research projects concerning patients’ perspectives on the healthcare system as well as ISHI’s impact on the local community. In addition a needs assessment was performed to arrange for repeat educational missions to Trujillo. Software for an electronic trauma registry was provided to Dr. Caballero with plans for long term data collection and analysis in collaboration between ISHI and the Regional Hospital.

Special Thanks to: Mr. Kevin Hurley for serving as mission facilitator and guide
Dr Joseph Caballero - Chief of Trauma at the Trujillo Regional Trauma Center (the only Trauma Center North of Lima)
Hospital Regional de Trujillo
Maria Ester Deza Alva- (The Trujillo Regional hospital Outpatient Surgery charge nurse)
Dr Lau – local Trujillian surgeon
All clinic nurses and hospital staff for working hard with the ISHI Team.


Surgical Team:  Ziad Sifri MD, Nirav Rana MD, Andrew Camerota MD, Chia-Chi Wang MD, Lorena Gonzalez MD, Franchesca Hwang MD, Peter Johnston MD
Anesthesia: local anesthesiologists provided anesthesia care on this mission
PAR Nurses: Angelica Parmegiani RN, Cassie Thomas RN
OR Nurse/Tech: Nicole Walliser RN, Abby Forte RN
Logistics Support: Ibrahim Bibo Sabbagh, Blas Ruiz
Physical Therapist: Vickey Patel
Physician Assistant: Lisa Hoemke
Medical Students: Jeremy Badach, Emaad Iqbal, Hamil Patel, Stephen Elwood, Weronika Jakubowska

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