5 billion people lack access to surgery


5 billion people lack access to surgery

We hope this #GIVINGTUESDAY, you give back to help ISHI continue its mission to provide free surgery to the underserved around the world.


Dear Friends of ISHI,

As we embark on our upcoming 22nd mission to Sierra Leone, our resolve to stay true to our organization’s mission couldn’t be stronger. We remain a non-profit 501(c)(3), 100% run by volunteers and donations. Our mission is simple; provide free surgical care to underserved communities, worldwide, regardless of race, religion, politics, geography or financial considerations. Our volunteers are committed and selfless, many who come back for repeat missions. Please join us in our #GivingTuesday campaign this year by showing your support for ISHI.

#GivingTuesday harnesses the potential of social media and the generosity of people around the world to bring about real change and to encourage and amplify small acts of kindness. As a global movement, #GivingTuesday unites countries around the world by sharing our capacity to care for and empower one another. We hope this #GivingTuesday, you make ISHI the charity of your choice!

 ISHI will kick off our campaign on Black Friday November 24th and run for 22 days until Friday December 15th to mark our 22nd mission. We hope this #GivingTuesday and holiday season, you show your support for ISHI and all that it does to provide surgical care and beyond for the underserved around the world.

Tax-deductible donations can be made through our direct link

As you go about your holiday shopping during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, please do so through our charity link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/27-0202313

Amazon prices are the same through our link and your purchases provide ISHI a  0.5% donation of the purchase price. 

ISHI would also like to take this time to thank all of our supporters, volunteers and ISHI families and wish you a happy, healthy holiday season.



Dr. Ziad Sifti

Co-Founder and President