Date: March 4 - 13
Location: Nurture Hospital, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Team Size: 19
Length of Mission: 10 days (+4 days follow up for Global Surgery Fellow)
Number of patients seen/triaged: 52
Number of Surgeries Performed: 33
This was ISHI’s inaugural trip to Nurture Hospital and to the country of Bangladesh (the 7th country ISHI has visited).
Our objective was to perform 40 free, safe surgeries, to provide didactic and clinical education (including the ACSCOT Basic Bleeding Control course), and as always to encourage knowledge exchange between the ISHI and local teams.
In addition, two of our physical therapist volunteers were to visit the Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazaar to provide PT for the many in need and perform a PT needs assessment.
Patients from Chittagong and the surrounding villages were recruited by the Nurture hospital team. Patients were screened prior to arrival by the local physicians with appropriate preoperative work up to ensure efficient triage. Over 50 patients were triaged and 30 scheduled and completed surgery. The remaining patients who could not receive safely receive surgery from the ISHI team, were provided with consultations and referrals.
A total of 33 operations were performed on 30 patients, which remained a challenge given the new location and the loss of 1 clinical day due to weather and travel delays. 2 hours of formal lectures and 5 hours of bedside/practical education was performed by various member of the ISHI team.
ISHI continued its work teaching the #StopTheBleed campaign Basic Bleeding Control (B-Con) course to 12 participants and trained 2 instructors to continue the teaching. The course was well-received as in Bangladesh, like most developing countries, injury remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality.
Vickey Patel PT and Carolyn Baek PT braved hours of rough bus travel to collaborate with MedGlobal to provide Physical Therapy intervention and education at the Rohingya Refugee Clinic. Patient cases included those with burns, disability from stroke, orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions, chronic pain syndrome and pediatrics. A needs assessment was conducted and a report on benefit of PTs as part of the medical team will be provided to MedGlobal.
ISHI PTs provided education on improving communication to local physicians to enhance and improve early intervention and training on evidence based practice to improve patient outcomes. In addition to educating therapists, we educated caregivers on early intervention and treatment strategies to improve carry over. PTs also provided training to local Nurture staff on patient transfer techniques to reduce injury.
Working with the local OR team, ISHI volunteers Viji and Michael helped develop a more efficient system for sterilization in the theater.
Dr. Peter Johnston, stayed behind the mission with the logistical support of Nazim Chowdhury for four extra days to ensure appropriate surgical follow up and was able to see the majority of the patients with the help of Dr. Manik for translation. Happily, only a few manageable issues were found and referred to the local team for any further management in coordination with ISHI team electronically.
Special Thanks to:
Nasreen Baqui - local liaison and founder of Nurture hospital for hosting the ISHI team, recruiting patients, and facilitating all clinical care including follow-up.
All of our local medical volunteers/translators.
Surgical Team: Ziad Sifri MD, Joseph Oliver MD, Peter Johnston MD, Franchesca Hwang MD, Kurun Oberoi MD
Anesthesia: Michal Gajewski MD, Melinda Ball MD
PAR Nurses:Lanika Tucker RN, Stephanie Burroughs RN, Rocina Kogan RN, Beka Bosire RN
OR Nurse/Tech: Viji Chitra RN, Michael Spurling RN
Physical Therapy: Vickey Patel, PT, Carolyn Baek PT
Medical Students:Rahul Gulati, Russel Pepe
Logistics Support: Nazim Chowdhury, Christina Rosario